Explore the Essential Agenda of Pharmacovigilance Training AfriSummit:

Immerse yourself in a dynamic two-day journey delving into Pharmacovigilance Training, with a special focus on African Governmental updates for QPV.

Benefit from expert insights on PV principles, PV management initiation, regulatory frameworks, risk management, QMS, and signal detection through real-world examples and case studies.

Engage with industry leaders and peers in networking zones to deepen your understanding of pharmacovigilance.

From fundamental pharmacovigilance principles to practical PV management for local manufacturers, delve into the current regulatory landscape and its implications.

Uncover strategic PV approaches, risk management tactics, QMS implementation, and efficient signal detection strategies.

Guided by a panel of seasoned experts, this course offers actionable advice, leveraging real-world examples and case studies to bolster your expertise.

Exchange experiences with speakers and professionals, enriching your comprehension of pharmacovigilance.

Seize the opportunity to expand your knowledge and remain at the forefront of the field. Don’t miss out on Pharmacovigilance Training AfriSummit.

  • PV Highlights
  • NRA Pharmacovigilance updates of African Countries
  • Quality Pharmacovigilance
  • Data Management and Ai in PV
  • Economic evaluation of the impact of PV systems and tools
  • Effective Risk Communication in Africa
  • Pharmacovigilance Conversions and the road to reliance in Africa