Sisay Endale Biru is an academician and researcher at Addis Ababa University, College of Health Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Ethiopia. He completed his Bachelor of Pharmacy from Addis Ababa University and Master of Sciences in Regulatory Affairs (Medicine Regulation Track) from the same university.
He also graduated from Admas University with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing Management. He is currently engaged in research, teaching, and advising. He is the coordinator of Pharmacovigilance (PV) at the Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital’s PV center in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He works with the Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association as a trainer, PV course lead, and CPD course evaluator.
Additionally, he actively contributes to the development of policy, research, the development of PV training materials, and the assessment of medication dossiers for the Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority (EFDA). His research interests include health and drug policy analysis, drug regulation, and drug safety (PV).