Samuel Asante-Boateng is a Ghanaian by birth and about 56 years of age. He is a professional pharmacist trained at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) Ghana 30 years ago and has also done further studies in MSc Pharm. Technology at the University of Bradford in UK. He has taken certificate courses in leadership, management and administration at the Ghana Institute of management and Public Administration (GIMPA). He currently works with the FDA Ghana as the Head of the Drugs and Herbal medicine Registration Directorate. He has been working in regulation for the past 17years. Before joining the FDA, Samuel Asante-Boateng worked in the pharmaceutical industry in Ghana for 12years.
He is part of the team of assessors at the FDA Ghana for the past 14years and has also participated in a lot of foreign GMP inspections.
In support of the West Africa Medicine Regulation Harmonization (WA-MRH) project, Samuel has been working as the chairman of the Expert Working Group for Medical Product Dossier Evaluation and Registration (EWG-MPDER) involved in the Regional joint assessment procedure in the ECOWAS region since its commencement in the year 2017.