Mr. Libert Chirinda

Position: Chief Regulatory Officer at the Pharmacovigilance and Clinical Trials Division - Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ)
Categories: PV Speakers 2023

Libert Chirinda is a Chief Regulatory Officer in the Pharmacovigilance and Clinical Trials (PVCT) Division at the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ), where he is involved in managing vigilance activities as well as clinical trials oversight activities.

He has ten (10) years’ experience in pharmacovigilance activities, clinical trial oversight, and medicines regulatory affairs, and has been part of the PVCT Division, which is also the National Pharmacovigilance Centre for Zimbabwe, since 2013. He has been involved in several pharmacovigilance initiatives locally, regionally, and internationally, and seeks to improve pharmacovigilance systems in Zimbabwe and beyond.

He is also a member of the Medical Research Council of Zimbabwe (MRCZ) National Health Research and Development Committee (NHRDC), which is involved in reviewing protocols submitted to the MRCZ for ethics approval.

He holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy Degree from the University of Zimbabwe (UZ), as well as a Master of Health Sciences Degree in Pharmacovigilance from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN).