Nyeleti Bicky Mthombeni

Nyeleti Bicky Mthombeni is a current chairperson of the South African Clinical research association (SACRA). SACRA is an industry community association with the sole purpose of leading and serving as a conduit positioning the country at the forefront of clinical research to enhance the health of all South Africans. SACRA Advocate, Educate and Facilitate clinical trials community to realize its mission. As SACRA chair, Nyeleti Bicky Mthombeni is passionate about the growth of the clinical research industry in South Africa. With more than 15 years of experience in the industry, she defines herself as a capacity-building enthusiast that continues to work tirelessly with other members of the SACRA community to further the agenda of clinical trials growth in South Africa. Nyeleti Bicky Mthombeni works as an independent consultant while building a new offering in the clinical trials industry through her newly formed partnership at the Pharma Agent. Doing all this with a clear goal that encourages continuous education in the field, she holds an MSc in project management and pharmacology and is currently a registered Ph.D. student at Stellenbosch university.