Ms. Pamela Ajwang
Pamela Ajwang works with National Drug Authority (NDA), a drug regulatory body in Uganda. She joined NDA in 2018 as a Regulatory Officer in the Department of Product assessment and Registration. Prior to that, she headed a private hospital pharmacy for 7 years after completion of her Bachelors of Pharmacy Degree.
Pamela attained a Master’s of Science in Biotechnology and regulatory science from Purdue University West Lafayette, USA. Currently, her major focus is evaluation of applications for marketing authorization and post-approval changes for both human and veterinary medicines. She works closely with colleagues from GMP inspections unit, Pharmacovigilance and clinical trials to ensure quality safety and efficacy of drugs. She has also attended East African Community Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (EAC-MRH) meetings to evaluate dossiers for registration.